Irina’s Eye (Book)

Historical Fiction By H.W. Freedman ©Copyright 2005 by the Author

Vaclav and Irina (both 15) attempt to escape from behind the Iron Curtain. When Irina is shot Vaclav feels compelled to search for truth.

“Bohemian border with Bavaria, West Germany, 1948

He should have known. If only he had trusted his intuition. That was the problem, telling the difference between intuition and fear, and he was not about to give into fear. There was no time; they had to flee and it had to be in that moment or they might never have another opportunity.

They ran into the night.”

Vaclav and Irina, both age fifteen, flee from behind the Iron Curtain. Irina is shot in the back and falls. He goes to help her but as he takes her in his arms another bullet enters her head and at that moment she orders him “Go!”. He puts her down gently and runs. He reaches West Germany, then he travels to Rome and to New York in his quest for enlightenment and freedom from the guilt that haunts him for his soulmate Irina’s fate.

The first draft of Irina’s Eye was semi-finalist in the 2006 William Faulkner Pirates Alley unpublished novel competition, Quarter-Finalist in the 2007 Writers’Network 15th Fiction Competition for unpublished Novels.

48 Reviews are here

Sex Energy, Spirituality, Theatre, Love,

Temptation, A Search for our True Essence…

The Second Edition of Irina’s Eye is now available:

in Paperback click: Amazon or Barnes & Noble,

or as an eBook click: Kindle.

“Irina’s Eye is an exciting page turner…”

“…a search for who we really are…our true essence…”

“…a thought provoking MUST READ.”

Purchase Irina’s Eye in Paperback through Amazon.

Purchase the eBook through Kindle, and Lulu..

Cover design by Anthony McEwan a/k/a Rugman


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